Contact Information
PhD Student
School/Applied Child Psychology
McGill University
email: margarita.miseros@mail.mcgill.ca
Research Interests
Margarita is a doctoral student in the School/Applied Child Psychology program. Her research focuses on perceptual information processing in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder as well as across other developmental conditions.
Keywords: neurodevelopmental conditions, behavior, development, attention, cognition
Oral Presentations
- Miseros, M.(2018). Visual Perceptual Processing in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Talk presented at the Human Development Conference at McGill University, Montreal, CA.
Poster Presentations
- Miseros, M., Tullo, D., Faubert, J. & Bertone, A (2019). The development of form and motion perception from school-age to adulthood: comparing sensitivity to luminance- and texture-defined stimuli. Poster accepted to the Vision Sciences Society, Saint Pete’s Beach, FL, USA.
- Miseros, M., Tullo, D. & Bertone, A. (2019). Luminance- and texture-defined visual perceptual processing in children and adolescents with ASD; comparison with other neurodevelopmental conditions. Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR), Montreal, Canada.
- Miseros, M.,Tullo, D., & Bertone, A. (2018). Sociability and Friendships: Mediating Factors for Students with Developmental Conditions. Poster session presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, Chicago, IL.
- Miseros, M.,Russo, N., McKernan, E., Brodeur, D., & Burack, J.(2018). Dynamic Visual Filtering in Individuals with Down Syndrome: Effects of Time and Space. Poster session presented at the annual developmental conference at Brock University,St. Catharine’s, ON, CA.
- Miseros, M.,Tullo, D., & Bertone, A. (2018). Sociability and Friendships in Students with a Developmental Condition. Poster session presented at the Education Graduate Student Society Conference at McGill University, Montreal, CA.
- Miseros, M.,Tullo, D., & Bertone, A. (2017). Development of Luminance- and Texture- Defined Information Processing Across Neurodevelopmental Conditions. Poster session presented at the annual conference of the Brain-Child-Partners,Toronto, CA.
- Miseros, M.,Tullo, D., & Bertone, A. (2017). Defining the Perceptual Profiles of Children and Adolescents with a Neurodevelopmental Condition. Poster session presented at the annual conference of the Vision Health Research Network, Montreal, CA.