Contact Information
Lisa-Marie Giorgio
Ph.D. Candidate in School/Applied Child Psychology
Department of Education and Counselling Psychology
McGill University
e-mail : Lisa-Marie.Giorgio@mail.mcgill.ca
Research Interests
Lisa’s research explores multisensory integration at different developmental periods, focusing on the temporal correspondence between audio and visual information.
Keywords: Sleep promotion, cognition, executive functioning, ASD
Research Articles
Nitschke, J. P., Giorgio, L., Zaborowska, O., & Sheldon, S. (2020). Acute psychosocial stress during retrieval impairs pattern separation processes on an episodic memory task, Stress
Dimakos, J., Giorgio, L., & Gruber, R. (2019). Sleep and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. In S. R. Pandi Perumal (Ed.), Sleep and Neuropsychiatry.
Oral Presentations
Greenstone, H., Giorgio, L. (2019, October) The Triple “A” Trifecta: Diagnosis and Treatment for Comorbid ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Anxiety Disorder. Oral presentation at the Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance Conference, Toronto, ON
Poster Presentations
Gauthier-Gagne, G., Toro, C., Giorgio, L., Muller, C., Dimakos, J., Bousier, J., Somerville, G., & Gruber, R. (2020, May). Associations Between Adolescents’ Circadian Preference and Specific Domains of Sleep Hygiene. Poster presentation at the National Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Montreal, CA. (Cancelled Due to COVID-19)
Giorgio, L., Somerville, G., Boursier, J., Keskinel, D., & Gruber, R. (2020, February). The Relationship between School Night Sleep, Working Memory, and Processing Speed in Typically Developing High School Students. Poster presentation at the National School Psychology Conference, Baltimore, ML.
Giorgio, L., Somerville, G., Boursier, J., Keskinel, D., & Gruber, R. (2019, September) Qualitative and Quantitative Sleep and Cognitive Performance in Adolescents. Poster presentation at the World Sleep Congress, Vancouver, BC.
Lin, L., Somerville, G., Boursier, J. Keskinel, D., Finn, C., Giorgio, Guo, A., & Gruber, R. (2019, June). The associations between objective measures of sleep averages and variability with report card grades in adolescents. Poster presentation at the Paediatrics & Child Health Conference, Toronto, ON.
Giorgio, L., Levy, B., Faubert, J., Bertone, A. (2019, May). Characterizing Individual Differences in Attention across Autism Spectrum Disorder. Poster presentation at the International Society for Autism Research Conference, Montreal, QC.