New lab member, awards, webinar, and other good news! – Perceptual Neuroscience Laboratory for Autism and Development

With the semester coming to an end and summer around the corner, the members of the PNLab have been extremely busy! So busy that we have forgotten to introduce the newest member of the PNLab: Shayla Chilliak

Shayla has started her MA degree in the School and Applied Child Psychology Program at McGill University, and is supervised by Dr. Tina Montreuil and co-supervised by Dr. Armando Bertone. Her research will investigate adaptations of emotion regulation interventions for children diagnosed with ASD.

This month was filled with lots of good news as SamanthaJulie and Stephanie were awarded doctoral scholarships from the Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ). Congratulations! We would also like to congratulate Domenico, a PNLab alumni, for receiving a post-doctoral scholarship from the FRQS as well.

Samantha Scholes
Julie Oh
Stephanie Lung
Domenico Tullo

We are also looking forward to the Summit Center for Education, Research, and Training (SCERT) Live webinar on June 3rd and 4th, 2021. This event will host incredible speakers – Drs. Yona Lunsky, Cathy Lord & Dr. Connie Kasari – who will share their expertise on diverse topics on youth with neurodevelopmental conditions. You can find more information here @

Finally, the PNLab will be progressively resuming in-person research activities over the Summer in Duggan house – after more than a year of absence – as Daphné will start recruiting participants for her postdoctoral research project characterizing the influence of neural noise in early vision in autistic youth. We are all looking forward to seeing each other again in the lab!

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