Information de Contact
Étudiante en doctorat
Psychologie scolaire et appliquée à l’enfance
Université de McGill
courriel: stephanie.lung@mail.mcgill.ca
Intérêt de la Recherche
Je m’intéresse à mieux comprendre les fonctions et les processus qui sous-tendent les comportements et les intérêts restreints et répétitifs (RRBI) de l’autisme. Plus précisément, je m’intéresse au processus sensoriels et cognitifs des sous-types de RRBI (c’est-à-dire les comportements moteurs répétitifs, l’insistance sur l’uniformité et les intérêts circonscrits).
Mots Clés: Comportements et intérêts restreints et répétitifs, traitement sensoriel, flexibilité cognitive, autisme
Articles de Recherche
Lung, S.L.M., & Bertone, A. (2023). Brief report: An exploration of cognitive flexibility of autistic adolescents with low intelligence using Wisconsin Card Sorting Task. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 53(4), 1726-1732. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-021-05134-1
Lung, S.L.M., Wincentak, J., Gan, C., Kingsnorth, S., Provvidenza, C., & McPherson, A.C. (2022). A scoping review of suggested practices for healthcare providers when discussing sexuality with youth. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 31(1), 143-160. https://doi.org/10.3138/cjhs.2021-0058
Lung, S.L.M., Wincentak, J., Gan, C., Kingsnorth, S., Provvidenza, C., & McPherson, A.C. (2021). Are healthcare providers and young people talking about sexuality? A scoping review to characterize conversations and identify barriers. Child: Care, Health and Development, 47(6), 744-757. https://doi.org/10.1111/cch.12892
Lung, S.L.M., Picard, É., Soulières, I., & Bertone, A. (Under review). Functions of the restricted and repetitive behaviours and interests (RRBIs) in autism: A scoping review.
Lung, S.L.M., & Bertone, A. (Under review). Cognitive flexibility skills of children and adolescents with autism: A review of performance- and questionnaire-based studies.
Lung, S.L.M., Wincentak, J., Gan, C., Kingsnorth, S., Provvidenza, C., & McPherson, A.C. (Under review). How should healthcare providers discuss sexuality with youth? A scoping review to identify guiding principles.
Lung, S.L.M. (2018).Evidence-Based Practice and Practice-Based Evidence in School Psychology. NASP Communiqué, 47(1), 8-9.
Lung, S.L.M., Lee, E.H.M., Chen, E.Y.H., Chan, S.K.W., Chang, W.C., & Hui, C.L.M. (2018). Prevalence and correlates of antipsychotic polypharmacy in Hong Kong. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 33, 113-120. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajp.2018.03.012
Présentations Orales
McPherson, A.C., Bonder, R., Gan, C., Giles, M., Kingsnorth, Lung, S.L.M., Provvidenza, C., & Wincentak, J. (2022, April 30). We are sexual too: How can discussions about sexuality and disability be facilitated in pediatric rehabilitation healthcare settings? [Oral presentation]. Western Canadian Conference on Sexual Health, Calgary, AB, Canada.
Lung, S.L.M., & Bertone, A. (2020, November 27). Comparison of cognitive flexibility of autistic and nonautistic adolescents with low intelligence [Oral presentation]. Neuroscience Research Center of the Université du Québec à Montréal (NeuroQAM) Conference, Montréal, QC, Canada.
Présentations de Posters
Lung, S.L.M., & Bertone, A. (2020, February 25-26). Influence of sensory processing in predicting mannerisms. Poster session presented at the Transforming Autism Care Consortium, Montréal, Canada.
Lung, S.L.M., & Bertone, A. (2020, February 18-21). Social challenges of intellectually impaired adolescents with and without autism. Poster session presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Baltimore, United States.
Lung, S.L.M., & Bertone, A. (2020, January 24). Predicting autistic mannerisms: Perseveration, sensory threshold and intelligence. Poster session presented at the Annual Conference of Centre for Research in Human Development at Concordia University, Montréal, Canada.
Lung, S.L.M., & Bertone, A. (2019, November 29). Role of sensory processing in social communication among intellectually impaired individuals with and without autism. Poster session presented at the Neuroscience Research Center of the Université du Québec à Montréal (NeuroQAM) Conference, Montréal, Canada.
Lung, S.L.M., Wincentak, J., Gan, C., Kingsnorth, S., Provvidenza, C., Moola, F., Gurza, A., Malana, C., Dangerfield, B., & McPherson, A.C. (2019, November 19). How should we talk about sex? A scoping review of conversations between healthcare providers and youth about sexuality. Quick-hit oral and poster sessions at the 14th Bloorview Research Institute Symposium, Toronto, Canada.
Lung, S.L.M., & Bertone, A. (2019, May 23-26). The dual facets of cognitive flexibility: Key to its paradox and autism assessment. Poster session presented at the annual Association of Psychological Science Convention,Washington D.C., United States.
Lung, S.L.M., & Bertone, A. (2019, May 1-4). The local and global dimensions of autistic cognitive functioning. Poster session presented at the International Society of Autism Research Meeting, Montréal, Canada.