Jessica Tobia

Information de Contact

Jessica Tobia

Étudiante en doctorat psychologie scolaire et appliquée à l’enfance

Département de l’éducation et de la psychologie du counseling

Université de McGill


Intérêt de la Recherche

Mes recherches visent à explorer la relation entre les mesures attentionnelles et les compétences en lecture, écriture et calcul chez les enfants et les adolescents souffrant de troubles neurodéveloppementaux.

Mots clés: attention, troubles neurodéveloppementaux, littératie, numératie, autisme


Articles de Recherches

Tobia, J. (2024). Transition to school for children with autism spectrum disorder: An exploration of teachers’ practices and parental experiences (Publication No. 994394) [master’s thesis, Concordia University].

Scholes, S., Somerville, G., Saha, S., Tobia, J., Piccireli, M., Barnard, S., & Gruber, R. (2022). The associations between insomnia symptoms and emotional regulation among typically developing adolescents during the Covid-19 pandemic, SLEEP, 45(1), A219.

Tobia, J., Gentile, A., De Luca, P., & Fink, M. (2021). A Replication of Going Green to be Seen: Status Motives & Pro-Environmental Behaviour. Cognitive Circuits, 1(001), 17-29.

Présentations de Posters

Tobia, J., & D’Amico, Miranda. (2024, November 14). Navigating school transitions for children with autism spectrum disorder: A study of teacher practices and parental perspectives [Poster presentation]. SCERT Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada.

D’Amico, M., Tobia, J., De Luca, P., & Chae, S. Y. (2024, October 30-31). Understanding challenges to service access and exploring the efficacy of an online self-guided stress management workbook [Poster presentation]. Geneva Centre for Autism Symposium, Toronto, ON, Canada.

Scholes, S., Somerville, G., Saha, S., Tobia, J., Piccireli, M., Barnard, S., & Gruber, R. (2022). The associations between insomnia symptoms and emotional regulation among typically developing adolescents during the Covid-19 pandemic, SLEEP, 45(1), A219.

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