Nathalie Jack

Information de Contact

Nathalie Jack

Étudiante à la maîtrise en psychologie scolaire et appliquée à l’enfance

Département de l’éducation et de la psychologie du counseling

Université de McGill


Intérêt de la Recherche

Je m’intéresse à comprendre le traitement visuel à différentes périodes du développement chez les personnes autistes, en examinant des facteurs tels que le traitement sensoriel ou l’attention.

Mots clés: autisme, traitement visuel, développement, traitement sensoriel


Présentations de Posters

Jack, N., Scholes, S., Bertone, A. (2024, November 14-16). Examining Developmental Differences in Audiovisual Multisensory Integration among Autistic and Neurotypical Youth. [Poster presentation]. Summit Center for Education, Research, and Training (SCERT) Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada. 

Jack, N., Scholes, S., Bertone, A. (2024, June 21-23). Cognitive Functioning is Not Associated with Multisensory Integration at Different Periods of Development [Poster presentation]. Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention, Ottawa, ON, Canada. 

Scholes, S., Jack, N., Bertone, A. (2024) The relationship between cognitive ability and susceptibility on the Sound-Induced Flash Illusion (SIFI) across development [Abstract]. Journal of Vision, 24(10).

Jack, N., Scholes, S., Bertone, A. (2024, April 12). Examining the Role of Cognitive Abilities in Non-Social Audiovisual Multisensory Integration [Poster presentation]. McGill Psychology Poster Day, Montreal, QC, Canada. 

Jack, N., Scholes, S., Bertone, A. (2024, March 22). Are Cognitive Abilities Related to the Multisensory Integration of Non-Social Audiovisual Stimuli in Autism? [Poster Presentation]. Center for Research in Human Development (CRDH) Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada. 

Jack, N., Macdonald, E. M., Dirks, M. A. (2024, March 19). You Got a Friend in Me: Factors Shaping Perceived Support in Young Adult Friendships [Poster presentation]. McGill Arts Undergraduate Research Internship Event, Montreal, QC, Canada. 

Jack, N., Scholes, S., Bertone, A. (2023, October 26-27). Does Cognitive Functioning have a Role in Multisensory Integration for Neurotypical and Autistic Youth? [Poster presentation]. Summit Center for Education, Research, and Training (SCERT) Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada.  

Jack, N., Macdonald, E. M., Dirks, M. A. (2023, October 3). You Got a Friend in Me: Predictors of Perceived Support in Young Adult Friendships [Poster presentation]. McGill Science Undergraduate Poster Showcase, Montreal, QC, Canada. 

Jack, N., Macdonald, E. M., Dirks, M. A. (2023, April 13). You Got a Friend in Me: Mechanisms of Perceived Support in Emerging Adult Friendships [Poster presentation]. McGill Psychology Poster Day, Montreal, QC, Canada.  

Jack, N., Macdonald, E. M., Dirks, M. A. (2023, March 16-17). Mechanisms of Perceived Support in Emerging Adult Friendships [3-minute talk]. Center for Research in Human Development (CRDH) Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada.

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