Clara Marty

Information de Contact

Coordonnatrice de recherche – PNLab

Science Cognitive

Université de McGill

courriel :

Intérêt de Recherche

Je m’intéresse au traitement de l’anxiété chez les personnes avec un trouble du spectre autistique. Je souhaite développer des thérapies avec et pour les jeunes autistes afin d’améliorer leur santé mentale et leur bien-être. En outre, je m’intéresse à mieux comprendre l’évolution des limites du système visuel en étudiant différents facteurs internes, tels que les bruits internes.

Mots clés: santé mentale, développement, autisme, psychophysique


Articles de Recherches

Marty C., Amghar S., Adams A., Patlan A.B. (2024). Psychosocial Distress in Youth: a Rapid Evidence Review of the Psychosocial Impacts of Slow Onset Climate Change Events in LMICs [under review]. The Journal of Climate Change and Health.

Silvestre D.*, Marty C.*, Allard R., & Bertone A. (2024). The Development of Internal Noise [Manuscript in preparation]. Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology, McGill University.

Silvestre D., Marty C., Allard R., & Bertone A. (2024). The Development of Internal Noise in Autism [Manuscript in preparation]. Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology, McGill University.

Poster Presentations

Marty C., Amghar S., Adams A., Patlan A.B. (2024, November 21). The Psychosocial Impacts of Slow Onset Climate Change Events among Youth in LMICs: a Rapid Evidence Review. Poster presented at the McGill University Global Health Night, Montreal, Canada.

Marty C., Silvestre D., & Bertone A. (2024, November 14-15). The Development of Internal Noise in Autism. Poster presented at the Summit Center for Education, Research and Training (SCERT) Conference, Montreal, Canada.

Marty C., Silvestre D., & Bertone A. (2024, October, 4). The Development of Internal Noise in Autism. Poster presented at the Center for Recherche, Intervention and Evaluation in Autism (CRÉIA) Conference, Montreal, Canada.

Silvestre, D., Marty, C., Allard, R., & Bertone, A. (2024). The development of Internal noise [Abstract]. Journal of Vision, 24(10), 646.

Marty C., Silvestre D., & Bertone A. (2024, April 26). Assessing Visual Perception Limitations at Different Periods of Development by Measuring Internal Visual Noise. Poster presented at the Human Development (HD) Conference, Montreal, Canada.

Marty C., Silvestre D., & Bertone A. (2024, March 22). Assessing Visual Perception Limitations at Different Periods of Development by Measuring Internal Visual Noise. Poster presented at the Center for Research in Human Development (CRDH), Montreal, Canada.

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