Contact Information
Research Coordinator – PNLab, McGill University
Cognitive Science
McGill University
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Research Interests
I am currently interested in better understanding the limitations of visual perception by studying different internal factors (e.g., internal noise) responsible for these limitations and measuring how these factors evolve through development from childhood to adulthood. I am interested in neurotypical development as well as neurodivergent development like autism.
Keywords: visual perception, internal noise, psychophysics, development, autism
Poster Presentations
Marty, C., Silvestre, D., & Bertone, A. (2024, April 26). Assessing visual perception at different periods of development by measuring internal visual noise . Poster session presented at the Human Development (HD) Conference, Montréal, Canada.
Marty, C., Silvestre, D., & Bertone, A. (2024, March 21-22). Assessing visual perception at different periods of development by measuring internal visual noise . Poster session presented at the Centre for Research in Human Development (CRDH), Montréal, Canada.